Center Exam is coming(英語で書いています。 難しくないので読んでみて!) | 東進ハイスクール 綾瀬校 大学受験の予備校・塾|東京都

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2019年 1月 18日 Center Exam is coming(英語で書いています。 難しくないので読んでみて!)


Toshin- students!

How are you feeling right now?

You must be nervous.

I was also nervous at the  same time of last year.

What I can only say is “believe yourself.”

You have been studying for today at least one year.

We know you have made a lot of effort.

We understand how hard you studied,

so be confident!!

it is nonsense to be nervous.

nervous  brings you nothing.

it always gives you negative effects.

so, do not be so nervous.

you can get over it!!

I wish you the best.







